The most common route to reach Koh Mak is to fly into Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. Once in Bangkok, you can either catch a domestic flight to Trat Airport or take a bus to the Trat province. The flight is more convenient and faster, while the bus is more economical. From Trat, the journey continues by road to Laem Ngop Pier, which is about a 30-minute ride from the airport. Several taxi and minibus services are available for this leg of the journey.

The speedboat pier can be found here:

Once at Laem Ngop Pier, you will need to catch a boat to Koh Mak. There are speedboats and slower, larger boats available. The trip usually takes between 45 minutes to an hour with the speedboat, depending on weather conditions, or up to 3 hours with the slower boat. Both types of boats usually operate only during the high season (November to April), so it’s important to plan your trip accordingly. Once you arrive at Koh Mak, you can hire a taxi or rent a motorbike to get around the island. It’s a small place, so it’s easy to navigate on your own.

You can contact us to pre-book a seat on a speedboat for you. It’s by far the most convenient way to get to the island.

It’s also possible to take a speedboat from Koh Chang Island and from Koh Kood island to Koh Mak. Situation between the two larger islands, this little eco-paradise is the perfect stop for a few nights while touring the area.